Numerous driver aids are in place to support the driver. But autonomous driving will not be with us for a long time. Therefore, it is important to stay alert and behave properly when driving.
Drinking and driving are completely incompatible. If you think it will be difficult to stay sober during an evening out or event, plan ahead by using another mode of transport or make sure you have a designated driver. Or find somewhere to stay the night and drive home the next day. Also follow this advice when taking medication that may cause drowsiness and any narcotic products.
Passive aids such as deformation areas and airbags are of no use if you're not wearing your seat belt. Therefore, secure yourself properly to avoid further injuries in the event of an accident.

Driving after not sleeping or after a long, tiring day is as dangerous as drinking and driving. You must be rested. Sometimes a short nap is enough. During long journeys, it is important to take regular breaks, at least every 2 hours.
There are many sources of distraction. However, when driving, the only distractions you should be focused on are traffic and vulnerable users. Avoid activities that cause distractions such as entering an address into the GPS, reading and sending messages, hands-free calling, complex settings in the infotainment system menu, and eating or drinking while driving. And even when you're at a red traffic light, no putting on makeup (or shaving quickly), sending text messages or other activities that are incompatible with driving.
To help your brain stay focused, it is important to be seated comfortably in the vehicle, at a pleasant temperature. A good musical atmosphere or a calming conversation also creates a sense of well-being without unsafely distracting the driver. But remember not to take your eyes off the road too often. And keep your hands on the steering wheel.
A motor vehicle is always potentially dangerous, especially to pedestrians and cyclists. Stay courteous and anticipate in order to progress without being aggressive in traffic. Always monitor the vehicle's surroundings, especially when manoeuvring. And choose a speed, possibly even lower than the speed limit, that is adapted to the traffic situation, so that you can brake in time or avoid a vulnerable user or obstacle.