If you want to buy a new car, or your first car, here are the steps and formalities to follow when registering and insuring it on public roads.
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You have chosen your new car! The salesperson will ask you to sign a purchase order and may ask you to leave a deposit. Please note: this purchase order is binding on you. It cannot be cancelled it without loss. Except in three specific cases:
- signature of the purchase order outside the dealership, e.g. at the Motor Show: 7 days to withdraw
- online purchase: 14-day return
- the purchase order has a suspensive condition to cancel in the event of bank credit refusal
Once the purchase order has been signed:
- You can then go to your banker or credit partner to carry out the financial procedures and payment.
- The importer also provides this type of service, through the brand’s credit partner (which is often the brand itself).
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Procedures in Belgium
Once your car is available from the dealer, you will then be able to register and insure it. Here are the procedures for registering your vehicle in Belgium:
- If the car is second-hand and not imported, you must receive its Car-Pass (its anti-fraud history on the counter).
- The dealer will send you the pink registration application form.
- If you want to change your registration number, take your old number plate to a post office for deregistration.
- Contact your insurer with the pink registration application form. They will establish the mandatory third-party insurance and enter the registration request in WebDIV.
- Should you require comprehensive insurance, submit the purchase invoice to your insurer as well.
- Your registration number (rear plate) will arrive by post or at the post office; the payment of €30 applies on receipt to the delivery person or at the post office.
- Have a copy of the official plate made for the front of the car.
- Visit the dealer to install the plates. And enjoy!
Thereafter, a letter from the regional authority will request your payment for the registration and road tax.
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