For your new car, your choice of engine will determine the taxation and the actual cost of use. It is also important to bear in mind that internal combustion engines might be banned in the long term in certain cities and regions. Brussels will therefore ban access to diesels in 2030 and petrol, CNG and LPG engines in 2035, including hybrids. The table below will help you to better identify the engines that are suited to your profile.

Please note: the choice of a BEV (electric car) or PHEV (rechargeable hybrid) only makes sense if you have the option of charging the vehicle at home, at work or if you have guaranteed daily access to a public charging point near your home. With an electric car, your average annual mileage requires you to choose a model with a range and charging speed that suits your normal journeys. For the FCEV (Fuel Cell) a hydrogen filling station must be available. As for the CNG network, although it is growing, it is less wide than that for LPG, especially in the southern part of the country.