Would you like to buy a new car or motorcycle but don't want to devote significant capital to it? The leasing formula, long-term rental, can then be an alternative to buying. Of course, you need to weigh up the pros and cons before making a decision in order to avoid being caught out.
The principle
Leasing is a long-term rental formula, so you are not the owner. A financial institution or leasing company buys the mobility equipment of your choice from the dealer you refer to. You pay a monthly rent over a set period of between 24 and 60 months. At the end of the contract, you have the option of purchasing the vehicle by paying the residual value decided at the start of the contract or choosing a new model that best meets your needs.

Three systems
The terms are sometimes complicated and misused. But in fact, it’s very simple, there are 3 categories:
- Financial leasing: like finance, you pay fixed monthly payments. The value of the option is up to 15% of the selling price excluding VAT. Moreover, if you wish, you can attach contracts for maintenance costs, which will therefore no longer be payable by you. The registration is in your name. So you also pay taxes and insurance.
- Operational leasing: the all-in package allows you to have a precise budget without worrying about extra or unforeseen expenses. In addition to the rental, your policy contains maintenance, taxes, insurance and assistance. Different options allow you to add tyres, fuel and other a la carte services according to the leasing company.
- Financial rental: the principle is completely identical to financial leasing, but the purchase option will be greater than 15% of the selling price excluding VAT.
Your accountant will also be an effective advisor because if the financial lease is considered a purchase and therefore appears on the asset side of your balance sheet, the other two formulas are tax-deductible.
- fixed costs = no unpleasant financial surprises
- administrative management by the leasing company = convenience and time saving
- fixed term = periodic change in mobility
- residual value = no resale of the vehicle or redemption at a favourable price

Some tips
- Make sure you don't exceed your annual kilometres.
- Return the vehicle in good condition to prevent being charged for possible damage.
- Use the tax package that suits you best.